[AAPI] Minutes UAI TF Meeting, Tuesday 12 July 2016

URL: https://www.w3.org/2016/07/12-aapi-minutes.html

Plain text follows:


      [1] http://www.w3.org/

   Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference

12 Jul 2016

   See also: [2]IRC log

      [2] http://www.w3.org/2016/07/12-aapi-irc


          Joanmarie_Diggs, Joseph_Scheuhammer, Bryan_Garaventa,
          Cynthia_Shelly, Richard_Schwerdtfeger




     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]ISSUE-1029/ACTION-2089 (Cynthia) Check for value
            events for splitters in UIA.
         2. [5]ISSUE-441/ACTION-1373 (Cynthia) Mapping of
            partially missing aria-posinset and aria-setsize is
            now an error condition
         3. [6]ISSUE=676 (Joanie/All) Identify MSAA+IA2 and
            ATK/AT-SPI actions, interfaces, and relations in the
     * [7]Summary of Action Items
     * [8]Summary of Resolutions

   <clown> agenda: this

   <scribe> scribe: joanie

   <clown> aria-roledescription=“null”

   <clown> <abbr title="go to top">up-arrow-glyph</abbr>

ISSUE-1029/ACTION-2089 (Cynthia) Check for value events for splitters
in UIA.

   <clown> issue-1029?

   <trackbot> issue-1029 -- Add mappings for interactive separator
   (window splitter). -- open

   <trackbot> [9]http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/1029

      [9] http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/1029

   JS: We're almost finished with the Windows splitter.
   ... Cynthia has one action left.

   CS: I've not gotten to this one yet.

   JS: There's an AXAPI action too.

   <clown> action-2075

   <trackbot> action-2075 -- Joanmarie Diggs to AXAPI mapping of
   role="separator", when it is a widget (window splitter). -- due
   2016-06-02 -- OPEN

   <trackbot> [10]http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/2075

     [10] http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/2075

   JS: I'll wait another week.
   ... But on the AXAPI issue which is on Joanie...
   ... Do you know anything about this?

   JD: My recollection is that I said "ok, I'll check the code"
   ... And I have not done that yet.
   ... And I don't know if there's a WebKit mapping for this.



   JS: Right now (URL above) it's mapped to AXSplitter.

   JD: Where'd that come from?

   JS: James Craig.
   ... I don't think it has changed since ARIA 1.0.

   JD: Well, if it hasn't changed....

   JS: Yep, it's the same in the 1.0 REC.
   ... I find it somewhat odd that an HR element would be mapped
   as a splitter.

   JD: We could make a test case and then examine it on the Mac.



   JS: The above is our test file.
   ... It has a div with role separator.
   ... Case 52 passed in Safari.



   JS: James Craig was the one who tested it.
   ... The results are above.
   ... Maybe I have the wrong results, because this says it mapped
   to radio button.
   ... Oops 59; not 52.

   RS: It says the AXAPI role is splitter.
   ... If it's focusable, then presumably there would be an
   AXValue set.



   RS: Have you talked to Chris yet?

   JD: Not yet.

   JS: In ARIA 1.0, the value of a separator did not matter.
   ... It's only mattered in the past month or so.
   ... Because now we're supporting the value-related attributed
   if the separator is focusable.
   ... I'll let Joanie work on this and get back to us.

   JD: OK.

   JS: I won't close this issue just yet, though we're close.

ISSUE-441/ACTION-1373 (Cynthia) Mapping of partially missing
aria-posinset and aria-setsize is now an error condition

   <clown> issue-441?

   <trackbot> issue-441 -- Normative UAIG requirements for what
   UAs do when aria-posinset or aria-setsize is provided
   explicitly on some, but not all, elements within a set. -- open

   <trackbot> [15]http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/441

     [15] http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/441

   JS: This is the one I emailed Cynthia about.
   ... Last week we discussed this.
   ... Rich argued this was an error condition.
   ... And that it's undefined what user agents do in that case.
   ... And we all agreed to that.
   ... So I updated the Core AAM to that effect.

   <clown> action-1373?

   <trackbot> action-1373 -- Cynthia Shelly to Create a test case
   for when aria-posinset and aria-setsize are provided explicitly
   on some but not all elements. -- due 2016-08-02 -- OPEN

   <trackbot> [16]http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1373

     [16] http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1373

   CS: This action item is ancient.
   ... And it came up because someone was trying to tweak a part
   of a list.
   ... And we should probably have authoring guidance too.

   JS: Do you want us to close your action?

   CS: I think you can close it.

   JS: Are you happy with it?

   CS: I'm ok with it.
   ... I'd really like to figure out how to get the browser to
   handle this condition.
   ... But I don't see that happening in the near future.
   ... Hence authoring guidance.
   ... And/or a WCAG failure.

   RS: I agree.

   CS: A sentence that says, "Don't do this."

   RS: Can we put something in their bug tracker?
   ... I think they're using GitHub.
   ... But I don't know where specifically.

   JD: Is this issue for WCAG or APG?

   Group: Potentially both.

   RS: They're going to have to tie a lot of what they're doing to
   ... After APG is further along, we need to circle back with EO.

   CS: Does EO have more technical people now?

   RS: I think so, though I'd have to check with Sharon.

   JS: I have closed Cynthia's action and will close the issue.
   ... Because I've already made the changes to Core AAM.
   ... Objections to closing these?

   Group: No.

   RS: I'll create an action for APG.

   <Rich> ACTION: Matt King Add aria aurthoring practices feature
   that tells authors how to do posinset/setsize [recorded in

     [17] http://www.w3.org/2016/07/12-aapi-irc]

   <trackbot> 'Matt' is an ambiguous username. Please try a
   different identifier, such as family name or username (e.g.,
   mgarrish, mking3).

   <Rich> MKing3 Add aria aurthoring practices feature that tells
   authors how to do posinset/setsize

   <Rich> ACTION: MKing3 Add aria aurthoring practices feature
   that tells authors how to do posinset/setsize [recorded in

     [18] http://www.w3.org/2016/07/12-aapi-irc]

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-2093 - Add aria aurthoring practices
   feature that tells authors how to do posinset/setsize [on
   Matthew King - due 2016-07-19].

   <clown> action-1093

   <trackbot> action-1093 -- Michael Cooper to Write test cases
   for "implied boolean attributes" e.g., html5 required vs
   aria-required - ARIA 1.1 -- due 2012-07-16 -- OPEN

   <trackbot> [19]http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1093

     [19] http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1093

   <Rich> [20]https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/2093

     [20] https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/2093

   Group: (Wordsmiths action)

ISSUE=676 (Joanie/All) Identify MSAA+IA2 and ATK/AT-SPI actions,
interfaces, and relations in the mappings

   <clown> issue-676

   <trackbot> issue-676 -- Is it useful to identify MSAA+IA2 and
   ATK/AT-SPI actions, interfaces, and relations in the mappings?
   -- open

   <trackbot> [21]http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/676

     [21] http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/676

   JS: This is an issue that Jason Kiss brought up a long time
   ... He wanted the Core AAM to add actions, interfaces, and
   relations in the mappings.

   RS: That's an API/ARIA 2.0 thing.

   <clown> action-1739

   <trackbot> action-1739 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Provide all the
   missing atk/at-spi2 interfaces for joseph -- due 2016-07-05 --

   <trackbot> [22]http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1739

     [22] http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1739

   JD: No it's not.

   JS: Joanie already supplied me with the interfaces, which is
   applied to roles.
   ... I went through and followed Joanie's advice and added the
   interfaces and associated notes.
   ... I got stuck on AtkAction, "it's complicated".
   ... So I did nothing for Action.
   ... And you put AtkComponent applies for all roles. Do we
   really want to duplicate that?

   JD: I put statements of fact in the action.
   ... And figured I would leave what you do up to you. :)

   CS + JS + JD: (Discuss possibility of a note rather than a

   JS: Does that include heading?

   JD: Yes.
   ... Component gives you bounding boxes.
   ... It also gives you a grab_focus() method.
   ... And that wouldn't make sense on a heading.
   ... But then grab_focus() could return false.
   ... For the bounding box stuff, however, we do need

   JS: Given that I've added the interfaces now, which weren't
   there in the 1.0 spec, do we need to test these?

   JD: Not sure. It's not a new requirement or a new interface.
   ... These have always been required.
   ... Just not documented in our spec as such.

   JS: Who will take an action to add these test cases?

   JD: I will since it's my platform.

   <clown> ACTION: Joanie to add expectations to test cases
   regarding the newly documented ATK/AT-SPI interfaces, etc. in
   the Core-AAM [recorded in

     [23] http://www.w3.org/2016/07/12-aapi-irc]

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-2094 - Add expectations to test cases
   regarding the newly documented atk/at-spi interfaces, etc. in
   the core-aam [on Joanmarie Diggs - due 2016-07-19].

   <clown> action-2094

   <trackbot> action-2094 -- Joanmarie Diggs to Add expectations
   to test cases regarding the newly documented atk/at-spi
   interfaces, etc. in the core-aam -- due 2016-07-19 -- OPEN

   <trackbot> [24]http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/2094

     [24] http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/2094

   JS: I'm making the product the ARIA 1.1 test plan.
   ... I expect we need to do the same thing for IA2.
   ... Whom can we ask?

   RS: I would not have a normative test for it at this point.
   ... We didn't before.

   JS: So we're just going to complete ATK/AT-SPI2 and leave the

   RS: You could leave ATK/AT-SPI2 out.

   <clown> issue-676

   <trackbot> issue-676 -- Is it useful to identify MSAA+IA2 and
   ATK/AT-SPI actions, interfaces, and relations in the mappings?
   -- open

   <trackbot> [25]http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/676

     [25] http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/676

   RS: I mean for actions.

   JS: We need to also answer Jason Kiss.

   RS: What do they do in the HTML AAM? Do they document this?

   JS + CS: Yes.

   RS: I understand, but I think even the HTML AAM will change.
   ... Do you have all the control patterns in there yet?

   CS: For everything we've implemented, yes.
   ... I still need to test more.


     [26] https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/html-aam/html-aam.html#el-p

   RS: For actions, all we can do is click.
   ... If all you can do is a click, is it worth documenting that?

   CS: That's all the DOM can do, in terms of mouse events.

   RS: Being pragmatic, I don't think it's worth adding all the
   additional testing for a click.



   JD: I'm fine without documenting the Action interface on my

   JS: I didn't document it.
   ... I did Text, Selection, Value, Table, etc.
   ... And the question is should I do the same for IA2?
   ... Forget about the Action interface; just the other ones.
   ... This is what Jason Kiss is asking about.
   ... Because they document this already in the HTML AAM.

   Group: (Crickets)

   JS: What does silence mean here?

   CS: Don't worry about Action right now.

   JS: I don't want to do anything about Action.
   ... What about IAccessibleValue, IAccessibleText, etc.?

   CS: I think that should go in.

   RS: Sure.

   JS: Who's going to do that?

   CS: Joanie!

   JD: I think not. :)

   RS: Alex should be able to do it.

   JD: You could send it to James Teh.
   ... Maybe show him what you've done for my platform.
   ... Mention what's in HTML AAM.





   JS: (Reads from above)
   ... Note that for UIA it states selection pattern; for
   ATK/AT-SPI2, it states selection interface.
   ... But note that it doesn't say anything about selection for

   RS: Is aria-selected supported on tablist?
   ... I'm guessing they implement the IA2 selection interface for

   JS: Right. But it's not just this one role; it's practically
   all the roles.

   RS: Agreed.

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: Joanie to add expectations to test cases
   regarding the newly documented ATK/AT-SPI interfaces, etc. in
   the Core-AAM [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Matt King Add aria aurthoring practices feature
   that tells authors how to do posinset/setsize [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: MKing3 Add aria aurthoring practices feature that
   tells authors how to do posinset/setsize [recorded in

     [30] http://www.w3.org/2016/07/12-aapi-irc
     [31] http://www.w3.org/2016/07/12-aapi-irc
     [32] http://www.w3.org/2016/07/12-aapi-irc

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

Received on Tuesday, 12 July 2016 20:26:31 UTC