Re: spinbutton vs separator


Thanks for the explanation. It looks like separator and slider are treated

Sorry about the wrong email address, I have two email addresses for you and
autocomplete isn't my friend in which one it chooses. Once in a while I
don't catch that autocomplete picked the wrong one. And as far as orange
pie goes, you could probably find it here in Florida, where we have key
lime pie and lots of variations of lemon pie:)

    Fred Esch                                                 
 Watson, IBM, W3C                                             
 IBM Watson       Watson Release Management and Quality       

From:	Joanmarie Diggs <>
To:	Fred Esch/Arlington/IBM@IBMUS
Cc:	Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group
Date:	06/30/2016 02:31 PM
Subject:	Re: spinbutton vs separator

On 06/30/2016 02:23 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
> Hey Fred.
> Apples and oranges are both fruits, but are pretty different from one
> another both with respect to their properties (e.g., acidity level) and
> uses (orange pie seems like a bad idea).
> Focusable spinbuttons and separators are both range/value-expressing

I of course mean spinbuttons and focusable separators.

> widgets, but are pretty different from one another both with respect to
> their properties (e.g., expected max and min and steps) and uses (input
> versus resizer). Because there are different properties and uses, there
> need to be different defaults.
> I don't want to confuse authors of course, but I would argue that I'm
> not in danger of doing so. But if I'm wrong (there's a first time for
> everything), I think the place to address it is in the APG; not the spec.
> --joanie (btw, note the email address. you have it wrong.)
> On 06/30/2016 02:08 PM, Fred Esch wrote:
>> Joanie,
>> I don't wish to slow anything down. But what is the rational for having
>> different default behavior for values in spinbutton and separator? It
>> seems like different behavior will be confusing to authors.
>> Regards,
>> Fred Esch
>> Watson, IBM, W3C Accessibility
>> IBM Watson		 Watson Release Management and Quality

Received on Tuesday, 5 July 2016 13:00:44 UTC