Re: Asking all to consider making aria-autocomplete Boolean

We could add a warning/note to indicate it will deprecated in 2.0? If that what is what we want to do. 


> On 04 Feb 2016, at 06:16, Rich Schwerdtfeger <> wrote:
> Yes. If there are current implementations out there with those values it breaks them.
> We are trying to shut 1.1 down Matt. This is not what you do when you are trying to shut it down.
> We also don't have time to canvas the wild now to see what this breaks.
> Rich
> Rich
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Feb 3, 2016, at 8:26 PM, Matt King <> wrote:
>> As I am digging into action 1490:
>> I am attempting to clarify the meaning of states and properties that apply to combobox.
>> I have been discussing the meaning of autocomplete with a variety of people, and the only thing that is clear to me is that everyone seems to have a different understanding of when each of the different values should be used. Ironically, in some initial sniff testing, the value of aria-autocomplete does not seem to matter much when it comes to screen reader behavior.
>> I am coming to the conclusion that aria-autocomplete is overloaded with too many meanings and that simplifying would better serve both assistive technology developers and web authors.
>> My proposal: make aria-autocomplete a Boolean. True means that a textbox has autocomplete behaviors, i.e., suggested completion will appear after the caret as a user types.
>> I propose that for combobox, we do not need any of the following values for aria-autocomplete:
>> 1. none because that would be the same as false.
>> 2. inline because that would be the same as true.
>> 3. list because all comboboxes have a list, and that list is  identified by a relationship and known to be visible when expanded is true.
>> 4. Both because that is the same as true combined with the list.
>> If aria-autocomplete is a Boolean, then we could also have a 1:1 mapping with html autocomplete. Thus, in HTML, if an author specifies autocomplete, that would imply that aria-autocomplete is true. The difference between aria-autocomplete and html autocomplete would then be that html autocomplete effects browser behavior whereas aria-autocomplete can be used when the author wishes to provide the autocomplete behavior.
>> Can anyone think of a good reason for keeping the current enumeration rather than moving to a simple Boolean with a clear definition?
>> Matt King

Received on Thursday, 4 February 2016 06:46:09 UTC