Re: Why is aria-expanded invalid with a checkbox?

Ellipses are always a good indicator of a dialog box. I don’t recall seeing one on a checkbox. I could see one on a form submittal. I have seen them on pushbuttons. 


> On Feb 3, 2016, at 1:02 PM, Joseph Scheuhammer <> wrote:
> On 2016-02-03 12:28 PM, Bryan Garaventa wrote:
>> I understand this in most cases, and if the group decides this is the best way to go, that's fine with me.
>> However I do need to explain the situation, because the circumstance I'm referring to was more unique, in that the client is a financial institution that was sued because it did not adiquatly convey to non-sighted screen reader users that the checking of a particular checkbox would significantly impact there accounts, even though this was conveyed visually using CSS for sighted users.
>> So the legal design requirements were then mandated that it must convey that something else was going to happen when this checkbox was checked.
>> As I said, if the group decides this association is not important, I'll refer them to this thread in the future to explain why.
> The typical way to indicate that a dialog is going to be invoked is via ellipses, "...". For example, the ellipsis in a "Save as ..." menu item tells me that I'm about get a save-file dialog.  I know that one screen reader, Orca, speaks "ellipsis" when one navigates to menu items with ellipses.
> Would adding an ellipsis to a check box label workl?  Admittedly it looks a bit odd:
> [ ] Click to accept these terms ...
> Another thought:  although it does overload the label, what about adding text to the checkbox itself, such as:
> [ ] Click to accept these terms (will show a confirmation dialog).
> -- 
> ;;;;joseph.
> 'Die Wahrheit ist Irgendwo da Draußen. Wieder.'
>                 - C. Carter -

Received on Wednesday, 3 February 2016 19:11:57 UTC