Re: Action-2036 aria-keyshortcuts

> On Apr 7, 2016, at 10:09 AM, Joseph Scheuhammer <> wrote:
> On 2016-04-05 11:40 AM, Richard Schwerdtfeger wrote:
>> 5. Made authors aware that they must take into consideration ATs who
>> steal specific keys before they ever reach a web page and key
>> sequences reserved by the browser. 
> Include avoiding keystrokes used by the OS itself.  An example from OS X
> is "cmd+space" which invokes spotlight search.  AFAIK, that cannot be
> intercepted and overridden within a web page.

Yes, but you can’t use the key so you should avoid using those keys. I am not sure what the problem is.

> The relevant text from the spec is this paragraph:
> "Authors SHOULD avoid using keyboard shortcuts that are used by the user
> agent. Implementing keyboard shortcuts that conflict with user agent,
> will result in a loss of user agent functionality. Authors SHOULD avoid
> keyboard shortcuts that are used by supported assistive technologies
> running on the intended operating system platforms. Assistive
> technologies frequently steal keys at the operating system level before
> they ever reach a user agents."
> The first sentence advises authors to avoid keystrokes that are used by
> the user agent.  The second says to avoid those used by an AT.  One more
> sentence:
> "For the same reason, authors SHOULD avoid keyboard shortcuts that are
> used by the operating system itself”.

Are you suggesting removing the OS part from the previous paragraph above with the “cmd + space” or moving it here?


> Also, the second sentence uses the singular for "user agent", and needs
> an article.  Change:
> "Implementing keyboard shortcuts that conflict with user agent, will
> result in a loss of user agent ..."
> to:
> "Implementing keyboard shortcuts that conflict with the user agent will
> result in a loss of user agent  …”


> [1]
> -- 
> ;;;;joseph.
> 'Die Wahrheit ist Irgendwo da Draußen. Wieder.'
>                 - C. Carter -

Received on Thursday, 7 April 2016 20:01:51 UTC