Friday 18 Dec 1:00 pm Boston time Re: Scheduling ARIA test harness training

Thanks to those who participated in the scheduling survey. While it's 
impossible to find a time that everyone can attend, most people can 
attend Friday 18 December 2018 at 1:00 pm Boston time (18:00 UTC). I 
have set up the following WebEx:
+1-617-324-0000 US Toll Number
Access code: 646 468 175

Let's use the usual IRC channel, and you can get the meeting password 
from there.


On 10/12/2015 6:26 PM, Michael Cooper wrote:
> We talked today about doing a training on the ARIA test harness, for 
> those who are new to it or want a refresh.
> If you wish to participate in the training, please provide your 
> availabilities below:
> Check that the time zone is correct for you and adjust before 
> answering if needed.
> I'll send around a time in a couple days. If you are not able to make 
> that time, I will likely arrange another one in the new year.
> Michael

Received on Monday, 14 December 2015 16:15:47 UTC