Re: FW: Notes about automating WAI-ARIA tests within the Web Platform Tests environment.

Just to be clear, this summary was something I wrote up in a few minutes
after speaking with Jon this morning.  There is a wealth of information on
WPT at the end of those links.  I have not done a thorough analysis of
simplistic architecture I sketched out. And worst of all, I am on holiday
as of the 28th.  So I will try to monitor this whilst I am away, but... I
may not respond as quickly as I would normally.

On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 12:18 PM, Gunderson, Jon R <>

> These are some of the ideas I discussed with Shane McCarron today.  He
> introduced me to the “Move the Web Forward” project for testing web
> standards compliance in general.
> This framework of tests are used by browser developers to continuously
> monitor compliance, so if we can use this framework the ARIA testing could
> become a part of existing testing processes.
> I will try to schedule a call for next week to discuss all the ideas we
> have collected.
> I have also updated the wiki with the links he provided.
> Jon
> *From:* Shane McCarron []
> *Sent:* Friday, June 24, 2016 12:07 PM
> *To:* Gunderson, Jon R <>
> *Subject:* Notes about automating WAI-ARIA tests within the Web Platform
> Tests environment.
> Jon,
> Great speaking with you.  Here are my thoughts (before I lose them):
> WPT is the standard environment for W3C working groups to use for
> testing.  Especially groups that provide components of the "web platform" -
> which means web clients and web servers.  ARIA is clearly part of the web
> platform.  The WPT environment is well documented here [1].  It is the
> result of the 'test the web forward' effort at W3C [2].  You can see a
> public-facing test environment at [3]
> Automated tests in WPT are run continuously by browser developers as part
> of their processes.
> WPT has support for webdriver built in [4].  Also support for manual
> tests, reference tests, test automation via JS, server side manipulation of
> protocols via static files and via python, and a reporting framework that
> allows for easy generation and maintenance of implementation reports.
> The basic architecture of a client side test is this:
> The main window acts as the driver, opening up a child window and
> populating it with data from the web test server (HTML, JS, etc).  In fully
> automated tests, some JS then evaluates the DOM or the network activity or
> whatever, then decides if the test passed or failed.  The JS API is well
> documented here [5].
> My concept for ARIA tests would augment this general flow like this:
>                              ^
>                              |
>                              v
>                         LOCAL AT SHIM
> The local AT shim is a "fake" assistive technology client that attaches
> the AT API of the platform under test - the one on which the browser is
> running.  It listens on the AT API for data and communicates it back to the
> child window via a websocket or some other well defined, standard interface
> that will work on the platform (note - if that is not possible, it could
> also communicate with the child window VIA the web platform test server -
> basically using it as a conduit to pass data back and forth).
> The "tests" would do whatever the test needs to do (set focus on
> something, fill in an input field, etc). then get back what the AT layer
> generated and evaluate it - ALL in the child window for the individual
> test.  It would then report the pass or failure of the test along with any
> other relevant information. When all tests within a page complete, the test
> completes and the main window automatically cycles to the next test in the
> sequence.
> The output of the main window is JSON that has basic information.  That
> information is used by reporting tools to maintain implementation reports
> that can help with CR criteria evaluation [6].  Test results reports and
> maintained by the w3c at [7]. A simple example report is at [8].  This is a
> good example as it is being constantly updated by the developers.
> Note that you do not need to develop the JS tests by hand.  You could
> define a declarative grammar and then generate the ".html" files from
> that.  You can see an example of that approach in what we are doing for the
> Web Annotation Group currently at [9]
> I hope this helps as an intro.  Feel free to circulate this to other
> players in the ARIA test space if you think it has merit.  I look forward
> to working with you!
> [1]
> <>
> [2]
> <>
> [3]
> <>
> [4]
> <>
> [5]
> <>
> [6]
> <>
> [7]
> <>
> [8]
> <>
> [9]
> <>
> --
> Shane McCarron
> Projects Manager, Spec-Ops

Shane McCarron
Projects Manager, Spec-Ops

Received on Friday, 24 June 2016 22:46:12 UTC