MINUTES: 7 April 2020 ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force Teleconference

Link to Minutes:


ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force Teleconference
07 Apr 2020


mck, Jemma, carmacleod, BGaraventa, MarkMcCarthy, jongund
Matt King

  *   Topics<https://www.w3.org/2020/04/07-aria-apg-minutes.html#agenda>
     *   Carousel updates<https://www.w3.org/2020/04/07-aria-apg-minutes.html#item01>
     *   Select Only COmbobox<https://www.w3.org/2020/04/07-aria-apg-minutes.html#item02>
  *   Summary of Action Items<https://www.w3.org/2020/04/07-aria-apg-minutes.html#ActionSummary>
  *   Summary of Resolutions<https://www.w3.org/2020/04/07-aria-apg-minutes.html#ResolutionSummary>


<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/April-7%2C-2020-Meeting

<siri> are we using same conference number to join call

<sarah_higley> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/aria-practices/tabbed-carousel-opt2/examples/carousel/carousel-2-tablist.html

<Jon_Gunderson> Sara: Updated to use checkboxes for display

<Jon_Gunderson> SH: Checking browser history does not change the checkboxes, but changes the history

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: Should these be buttons or switches instead of checkboxes

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: They could be switches

Carousel updates

<siri> can someone send me zoomlink :)

<Jon_Gunderson> SH: Either way

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: The checkboxes don't indicate what checking it means

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: For example auto-rotation on page load is ON/OFF

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: The second one might be called: ..

<Jon_Gunderson> JN: We can just update the checkbox descriptions to be more clear is fine with me

<Jon_Gunderson> JH: You need to add styling to make them look good

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: I was not thinking of the styling

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: Every idead is harder than you think

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: Every idea is harder than you think

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: First option is captions displayed over image

<Jon_Gunderson> JG: Maybe we can have SH work on the word smithling

<Jon_Gunderson> CC: I can help with the wording

<Jon_Gunderson> SH: I can go back and make some changes

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: What happens when you check a checkbox

<Jon_Gunderson> SH: The pages are reloaded....

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: Include in the description include information on reload and if buttons are removed

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: These are awesome changes

<Jon_Gunderson> SH: I made the defaults be the more accessible options, captions outside of slides and paused

<Jon_Gunderson> SH: Reduced motion does work now

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: Add information about accessibility of user prefereneces on reduced motion

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: I like the more accessible as default

<Jon_Gunderson> Jemma: What is reduced motion?

<Jon_Gunderson> SH: In windows it is in ease of access, the script now looks for that

<MarkMcCarthy> MarkMcCarthy: In Windows: Ease of Access, Vision, Display, "Show Animations in Windows"

<Jon_Gunderson> Siri: It is in all operating systems

<Jemma> @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {

<Jon_Gunderson> Siri: The user has set the option, software should not play animations

<Jemma> is this what Sarah did?

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: This is a separate branch from Jon's right?

<Jon_Gunderson> SH: Yes

<Jon_Gunderson> Siri: Maybe use radio buttons instead of checkboxes for options

<MarkMcCarthy> MarkMcCarthy: In MacOS: System Preferences, Accessibility, Display, Check "Reduce Motion"

<Jon_Gunderson> SH: The third does override the second, they are not radio buttons

<Jon_Gunderson> Siri: It is currently a little confusing

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: If auto rotation is disabled, having it intially pauses that button will not be checked

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: If the third one is checked the second one should be disabled

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: JG are you ok will SH merging the changes

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: SH if you do a pull request, it is easier to undue

Select Only COmbobox

<sarah_higley> https://codepen.io/smhigley/full/gObMVzv

<Jon_Gunderson> SH: I put it in code pen, beacuse it is easier to work with

<Jon_Gunderson> SH: I have updated type ahead behavior

<Jon_Gunderson> SH: There is a time out of one second

<Jon_Gunderson> SH: If you type ahead with the same letter, it will cycle through options, if diffeent letters it will search on optinos names

<Jon_Gunderson> CC: It works differently based on ho fast you type

<Jon_Gunderson> LOST MY ZOOM Connection!

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: I am changing my middle name to combobox

<Jon_Gunderson> Siri: In select box if I type slowly I get a different behavior, what will happen

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: It will be like you never typed

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: It will now start to look for something with the new letter

<Jon_Gunderson> Siri: Will this be a problem for slow typists

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: If you type a B it will ...

<Jon_Gunderson> CC: It is not working for me in Code Pen

<Jon_Gunderson> SH: If you type to slow it will ...

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: If you type B three times it should go to the third item starting with a B

<Jon_Gunderson> SH: There is only one function for both behaviors

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: On windows the timeout is like 500 milliseconds

<Jon_Gunderson> Siri: Why OK, what if someone is typing really slow..

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: I don't think it will be a barrier, is advantage, is mimicking other native OS controls

<Jon_Gunderson> CC: The code pen is broken on this feature

<Jon_Gunderson> CC: If you type two slow you just stay on banna

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: We can work on the funnies

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: If you type B and wait, you just want to see then next character is...

<Jon_Gunderson> BG: What if you have something with multiple characters

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: Windows handles that too, you need to be within the time out

<Jon_Gunderson> BG: I have a similar pattern hat looks for string matches first

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: We still have the value issue

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: I am trying to get it in ARIA Issue 1225

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: I am talking to JC tomorrow

<Jon_Gunderson> CC: I hope it gets into ARIA 1.2

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1225

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: It is a little independent of this example, but hopefully 1225 will get resolved

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: In 1225 the value comes from content

<Jon_Gunderson> SH: I will leave it as text content

<Jon_Gunderson> JN: 1.2 closed 6 months ago, any change in implementations is too late

<Jon_Gunderson> JN: If there are implementations, then we can leave it to 1.3

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: There is a difference, even if we have two implementations, we are not recommending a practice that is supported by the spec

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: I should have put the requirement in the original proposal last fall at TPAC

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: The process we test stuff and then we can resolve it

<Jon_Gunderson> JN: We need to hammer through 1.2 issues and get this done

<Jon_Gunderson> JN: All the other 1.2 issues are being delayed by new issue

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: We need to make sure everything else gets closed down

<Jon_Gunderson> JN: We need to get this closed down

<Jon_Gunderson> CC: It would be good to get AL in on the issue 1225

<Jon_Gunderson> CC: I think this is really important to get into this version, so there are not future changes to combobox

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: I want to get combobox done

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: I think this is the last little thing for custom select

<Jon_Gunderson> CC: We had a dialog combobox that was select only

<Jon_Gunderson> CC: It is a common dialogy like thing

<Jon_Gunderson> SH: We have a ton of those too

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: SH do you have a plan to move from Code Pen to a PR?

<Jon_Gunderson> SH: Should there be a timeout for multiple letters the same at the same time

<Jon_Gunderson> MK: Therre should be a timeout so you could find things that start with BB, but if just want B things it should not matter about typing speed

<Jon_Gunderson> SH: I should have everything I need

<scribe> scribe: carmacleod

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1017?

<Jon_Gunderson> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1362

JG: What is the status of DatePicker? Are we just waiting for reviews?

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1362

<Jon_Gunderson> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1017

MK: For 1362, only change is getting rid of the buttons.
... Also contrast. Yes, we need to review that one. Can someone copy in a review checklist?
... Needs editorial review, and visual review.

JK: I can add the checklist.

MK: Thanks. Just thinking about priority; where does this fit - there's also combobox date picker - Jon, which should go first?

JG: They're very similar, so it would be easiest to review them both at once.

JK: The review checklist is added, just needs names.

CM: Jon is it ok if I commit some of the smaller suggestions?

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1017

JG: Yeah, that would be ok

CM: Ok, will do - it will resolve those and make it easier to see other suggestions

JK: Siri, can you review the visual design of 1017

Siri: Yes, I can do that

MK: Also for 1062 at the same time, because they are very similar
... Sarah, in addition to code review, can you do the test review on 1362/1017?

SH: Ok, please keep Simon on it as well, for whoever gets to it first

Summary of Action Items
Summary of Resolutions
[End of minutes]
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Present: mck Jemma carmacleod BGaraventa MarkMcCarthy jongund

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Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/April-7%2C-2020-Meeting

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Received on Tuesday, 7 April 2020 19:01:34 UTC