Re: SVG AAM and mpping table script

If this is the problem I'm aware of, the fix is to activate the "View as 
a single table" button for each table before saving a snapshot from Respec.

This is of course not ideal. I don't know if it's possible to adjust the 
script to not require this workaround. I'll put on editors' agenda to 
discuss, though we will only make progress if someone knowledgeable 
about the script attends. Otherwise continuing discussion on the issue 
you referenced seems to make sense. Sorry I hadn't seen that issue 
before - GitHub doesn't reliably notify me of new issues filed even 
though it's set to.


On 12/04/2018 7:44 PM, Liam R. E. Quin wrote:
> SVG AAM is blocked in pubrules because of a script,
> mapping-tables.js, that seems to be breaking links
> Could this be on an agenda? Or should i dive in and try and fix the
> JavaScript?
> or is this the wrong list?
> Thanks!
> Liam

Received on Friday, 13 April 2018 00:01:28 UTC