On 3 August 2015 at 11:01, Stian Soiland-Reyes <
soiland-reyes@cs.manchester.ac.uk> wrote:
> There is nothing stopping SOME individual Archives from also being
> LocalBusiness - without imposing this on all Archives.
Very true - as with all of Schema.org - it provides a set of *potential*
types and properties that *can* be used to describe your resources,
organisations, people, etc.
> I don't want to make online archives like our own workflow archive (if
> you like) http://myexperiment.org/ pretend to be a Local Business,
> because to be honest I don't even know where our own service "is" - it
> is currently hosted by University Oxford and Manchester in unison.
Entirely understandable - you would expect to describe the archive itself
(see the thread on ArchiveCollection) and optionally associate it with the
responsible/owning organisation if that makes sense. That organization may
well not be one that defines itself as an Archive, it might be a Library,
some academic institution, or commercial organization.