WebRTC beyond the call and the new #RealityCube model


here's a follow up from some of the conferences recently.

First is a video of an interesting panel session at WebRTC World in 
Atlanta that discusses looking at WebRTC beyond the call. Great to see 
the momentum that the underlying Augmented Web concepts are gaining. 
They're not using the right term yet but it's obvious that it's clear to 
everyone this is coming 8)

And here's the #RealityCube model I presented at the IEEE ISTAS13 
conference (http://veillance.me) in Toronto. It's a new typology for 
describing the different flavours of Mixed Reality and allows us to be 
more explicit when discussing and analysing a specific type of technology.

Love to hear your thoughts on these.


Received on Thursday, 11 July 2013 02:56:42 UTC