Re: Widgets 1.0 - widget settings: publishing / modifications

Hi Marcos,

> However i still think there is a need for the mentioned additions. Whose
> would cover dashboard-like Widget runtime requirements (most of such
> runtimes make use of them), while leaving widget developer an opportunity to
> implement the settings management customly.

I'm currently researching if events are thrown if preferences are
changed in various widget engines. I was not aware that Dashboard has
this functionality. Aside from Yahoo! Widgets, which other engines
throw events when preferences are changed? If we find that there is a
few that do it, then by all means we will put the event in the spec
(I've tentatively put the IDL from my previous email in the Widgets
1.0: API's Editor's Draft [1]). It would be a massive help if you
could list the widget engines so I can verify everything quickly.
I cannot give you a list of Dashboard implementation's that dispatch such event. However I've seen some implementations that have <setting /> element defined, among them likely to be either Netvibes or Google. I assume, if a dashboard implementation has such element, it must have some mechanism to notifying implementation of Widget - I think the most appropriate mechanism for that would be an event-based one.

My expectations regarding the settings publishing mechanism and their changes notifications are initially theoretical but also coming from own experience of implementing a Dashboard on top of Backbase Framework.


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Received on Monday, 17 March 2008 15:18:59 UTC