Re: Cross-site Requests and Custom HTTP Headers

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> I thought I'd outline my proposal for custom HTTP headers in a 
> separate thread as the other threads had lots of noise. We change the 
> cross-site request algorithm in the Access Control specification 
> slightly to take a list of author provided HTTP headers. These author 
> provided HTTP headers are filtered against a blacklist BL and then 
> checked against a whitelist WL.
> BL is the list of headers currently listed in the XMLHttpRequest 
> specification under the setRequestHeader() algorithm with the addition 
> of cookie and credentials headers.
> WL is Accept, Accept-Language, and any other headers that we think fit 
> here.
> We also name the "cross-site GET access request" algorithm the 
> "cross-site default access request" algorithm and the "cross-site 
> non-GET access request" algorithm the "cross-site access request with 
> preflight" algorithm. (Or something equivalent.)
> Then if the desired request uses the HTTP GET method and checks 
> positively against the whitelist WL (no other headers are included) 
> the cross-site default access request algorithm is used. Otherwise the 
> cross-site access request with preflight algorithm is used.
> This means that cross-site GET requests with custom HTTP headers other 
> than Accept and Accept-Language will also get a preflight (but are not 
> prohibited) and that all the other HTTP methods will work as they do 
> in the current proposal except that there header list is not restricted.
> Thoughts welcome!
Looks good to me.  (Is there a way for a server to distinguish a 
preflight for a GET vs. a preflight for a POST?  Probably fine either way.)

Received on Friday, 22 February 2008 07:21:52 UTC