Re: comments on Widgets' spec

Hi Claudio

On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 11:29 PM, Venezia Claudio
<> wrote:
> Hi All,
> A few <comments> on the "spec":
> Spec section 7.4 - Cross-widget messaging
> "AT RISK/Low Priority: This section will define how widgets will be able to
> communicate with each other by sending messages via javascript. We are going
> to base this model on the Cross-document messaging model found in HTML 5.
> Widgets should be able to announce and unannounce themselves to other
> widgets."
> <We understand the Cross widget messaging issue as the matter of enabling a
> web application running in a browser window to communicate with another
> running in a different one. In the HTML 5 spec the the cross document
> messaging processing model if DOC A needs to post a message to DOC B, DOC A
> must have inside the object element containing DOC B. In the cross messaging
> between Widgets created by different providers this assumption seems to be
> unfeasible without introducing a broker/middleware layer.>
> "Widgets ought to be able to have some control as to which other widgets
> they expose themselves to (in some unique/per instance base). For instance,
> by association via digital signature"
> <In our understanding the need of keeping control of which other widgets
> they expose themselves to is again the proof that a minimal
> broker/middleware should be specified.>
> "Look at the OpenAjax hub model."[Open Ajax hub model for Cross-window,
> same-domain communications: provider sends messages from one frame to
> another within the same computer system, where the frames might be in
> different windows but have to use the same domain.]
> <The Open Ajax HUB would indeed address those broker/middleware
> functionalities thus addressing the problem of posting messages between
> Widgets but should be endowed by some additional registry capability.>

Can you please provide some details/examples as to how the Open Ajax
Hub addresses the cross-widget communication issue? Can you please
also describe the additional registry capabilities?

Kind regards,
Marcos Caceres

Received on Friday, 22 February 2008 06:05:07 UTC