Re: [XBL] content element and locked

Hi Ian,

I noticed a bug in the example describing 'locked'.

  <div id="right">
    <ui:listbox id="right" title="Available Items">
     <content includes="ui|listitem" id="rightList"/>

The id="right" is used twice. Which one is right? I think the 'div' 
element should not have an id.

Then the script code uses:

this.shadowTree.getElementById('right').xblSetInsertionPoint( ... )

I think it should be:

this.shadowTree.getElementById('rightList').xblSetInsertionPoint( ... )

Same for 'left' and 'leftList'.

Also, could you change the name 'xblSetInsertionPoint' ? It is really 
confusing. It is definitely not 'set' since you can add multiple 
children to a content element and the term "insertion point" is not used 
in the spec. It should be something like addContentChild.


Received on Wednesday, 10 January 2007 10:42:05 UTC