Re: [XBL] Focus, DOMFocusIn, Blur, and DOMFocusOut Events

On Jan 8, 2007, at 8:42 PM, ext Ian Hickson wrote:

> On Thu, 7 Dec 2006, Cameron McCormack wrote:
>> 6.10 Focus, DOMFocusIn, Blur, and DOMFocusOut Events
>>   (Further specifications may describe this in more detail.)
>> What more detail is needed?
> This is referring specifically to the "In other words, an arbitrary  
> chain
> of elements can be in the :focus state at the same time.", which is
> currently not described anywhere.

Perhaps Cameron's question could be addressed by changing the  
parenthetical statement to a Note with some text like:

Note: Further specifications may describe in detail the interaction  
of an arbitrary chain of elements that can be in the :focus state at  
the same time.

Received on Tuesday, 9 January 2007 13:33:15 UTC