Re: [XBL] XBL 2.0 Expected context, Expected children

On Sat, 14 Oct 2006, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
> * Ian Hickson wrote:
> >Well, for instance, how do you express the syntactic requirements for the 
> >"includes" attribute? (i.e. that it must contain a syntactically valid 
> >Selector?)
> does not appear to contain
> this requirement


> and if it does, I would probably not understand what it means for a 
> string to be an invalid selector; neither the XBL2 draft nor the 
> css3-selectors draft discuss this. The latter just notes
>   Invalidity is caused by a parsing error, e.g. an unrecognized token
>   or a token which is not allowed at the current parsing point.
> which I do not really understand, and it lists some special cases.

Please raise this with the CSS working group.

> I got the impression that the XBL2 draft at best states what is a valid 
> selector depends on the level of selector support the implementation 
> has, and that if, say, CSS Level 4 introduces a new combinator, it is 
> not possible to use this selector in XBL2. But this is just guessing.

I don't see that the first part is a problem or that the second part is 
true. If you could elaborate on this, possibly explaining what parts of 
the spec you think need changing, that would be very helpful.

> Regardless, if you can devise an algorithm that determines, given a 
> string, whether that string is a "valid selector", then it is trivial to 
> encode this in e.g. RelaxNG by means of a dedicated type library, 
> possibly defined using DTLL.


> >Or, at the element level, how do you express the content model of the 
> ><template> element, which says that its descendants can include 
> ><content> and <inherited>, that <content> elements can't be nested 
> >(even indirectly), but that those elements may not be somewhere that 
> >isn't a <template>, and that also allows a couple of XBL global 
> >attributes on any descendant of <template> that isn't in the XBL 
> >namespace?
> My understanding is that the content model of <template> is "Anything."

Well, it's anything that is conformant according to the namespaces 
involved. For example, the following wouldn't be allowed:


> This is very easy to model in RelaxNG. You list three forbidden paths,
>   //xbl2:content//xbl2:content
>   //xbl2:content[not(ancestor::xbl2:template)]
>   //xbl2:inherited[not(ancestor::xbl2:template)]
> Schematron can easily express these constraints. As for the global XBL 
> attributes, the only structural requirement that I could find is that 
> for xbl:inherits and xbl:pseudo "there must be a correct template 
> element somewhere in the ancestor chain." This requirement is expressed 
> as "Expected element". The draft does not define what this means, and 
> attributes do not have any ancestors in the DOM, however, I assume this 
> just means the following paths are forbidden:
>   //@xbl2:inherits[not(ancestor::xbl2:template)]
>   //@xbl2:pseudo[not(ancestor::xbl2:template)]
> Again, Schematron can easily express this. This does not express that 
> the <template> element is "correct", but this requirement seems highly 
> redundant with the assumed requirement that any and all <template> 
> elements must be correct anyway.

(I've fixed the error you mention in passing above.)

I'm glad to hear that there are indeed various languages that can 
represent the XBL2 syntax.

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Received on Friday, 5 January 2007 01:27:37 UTC