[Widgets] Extending the <start> element

Hi All,
I've been looking a fair bit into iGoogle gadgets and think it might
be worth while modeling our <start> element around their <Content>
element.  The content element in Google gadgets currently looks like:

<Content type="html"><![CDATA[
Hello, world!

(One can also declare an "href" attribute, to allow content to be
acquired from a URL.)

Having the actual content embedded in the config file allows for
server-side processing (as done by iGoogle) and also liberates the
widget from the packaging format; in addition, this would address the
issue of the distinction between widgets as defined in the spec and
"web widgets" (iGoogle and Live gadgets).

For Widgets 1.0, we could have something like the following:

<content type="text/html"><![CDATA[
<h1>Hello, world!

or from within a package...

<content type="text/html" src="local/startFile.html"/>

or from a URL...

<content type="text/html"

Where the type attribute would be optional, and would default to "text/html"...

Anyone in support of doing this? Worth investigating further?

Kind regards,
Marcos Caceres

Received on Monday, 3 December 2007 05:21:01 UTC