RE: [WAPF-Req] less file-centric - proposal

Hi Chris, 
We've reviewed your proposed changes [1] to the WAPF Requirements and we have agreed to include most of your suggestions in the next publication of the WAPF Requirements document. Your suggestions clarified quite a few technical things, so thank you! However, we are still reviewing your re-write of Requirement 5, but we will let you know soon what we come up with.

Thank you again for taking the time to give us feedback! I'll email you as soon as I put up the new version.  

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Krzysztof Maczynski
Sent: Tuesday, 12 September 2006 2:11 AM
To: Marcos Caceres
Subject: [WAPF-Req] less file-centric - proposal

Hi Marcos,

Following your suggestion I've made some improvements I'd suggest - see the attachment.

I agree with all that you wrote. However, I wouldn't be so eager to make compromises.
> Please note that the best technical solution might not be the easiest 
> solution for developers
In my opinion this is going to be a lightweight specification, orders of magnitude easier to implement (especially given a readily usable MIME implementation, if my previously suggested direction with multipart subtype were followed) than e.g. even a single module of CSS.

I also agree with Mark that the need for manifests should be sufficiently justified. If during further work it turns out that packages without manifests make sense (although I doubt it), they could be made optional.

Best regards,


Received on Monday, 25 September 2006 02:33:48 UTC