[WAPF-Req] less file-centric - proposal

Hi Marcos,

Following your suggestion I've made some improvements I'd suggest -
see the attachment.

I agree with all that you wrote. However, I wouldn't be so eager to
make compromises.
> Please note that the best technical solution might not be the easiest solution for developers
In my opinion this is going to be a lightweight specification, orders
of magnitude easier to implement (especially given a readily usable
MIME implementation, if my previously suggested direction with
multipart subtype were followed) than e.g. even a single module of

I also agree with Mark that the need for manifests should be
sufficiently justified. If during further work it turns out that
packages without manifests make sense (although I doubt it), they
could be made optional.

Best regards,


Received on Monday, 11 September 2006 16:11:27 UTC