Re: My position on Web Forms 2.0 and the future of XForms


I agree with your position.

Just two comments:

Le Fri, 01 Sep 2006 14:12:14 +0300, Matthew Raymond  
<> a écrit:

> 2) Web Forms 2.0 will likely be implemented on most if not all major
> browsers within a few of years. (In fact, Opera already has at least
> some support, and Mozilla has already begun implementation.)

AFAIK, Opera has complete support for WF2. It's experimental, but  
complete, and, of course, there's room for improvement.

> 2) DHTML implementations of the current XForms would need less code and
> would run faster when built on top of WF2.

XBL2 could also be used for implementating XForms and it would run even  
faster on top of WF2.

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Received on Friday, 1 September 2006 12:19:36 UTC