Re: XBL media type?

On Aug 24, 2006, at 14:28, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

> * Henri Sivonen wrote:
>> That's not the point. The point is the absurdly long time it took
>> from someone proposing image/jp2 and video/mp4 to approval.

QuickTime 6 shipped in 2002 with support for those types.

> That's two months, not "absurdly long time".

Three years (or whatever it took exactly for the types I mentioned)  
is absurdly long. Two months is too long as well. You should be able  
to get a type registered using a simple Web form immediately so that  
there'd never be a need for x- types.

(Apple got this right with the registration of HFS type and creator  
codes. It was first come first serve. The registrar didn't try to  
second-guess the need for a type. It only took care of conflict  

But to get back on topic:
If you compare sniffing for the root namespace and having a specific  
MIME type, sniffing for the root namespace wins due to Ruby's  
Postulate. ("The accuracy of metadata is inversely proportional to  
the square of the distance between the data and the metadata.")

Henri Sivonen

Received on Thursday, 24 August 2006 11:38:34 UTC