Re: XBL media type?

On 23/08/2006, at 8:12 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:

> Thus I don't think it is necessary for us to define a MIME type  
> beyond the
> generic application/xml. XBL will be found in XML sent with all  
> kinds of
> MIME types.

I agree with your points.

However, I still think it is worth defining a MIME type for (at  
least) the following reasons:

- it's a fairly small amount of effort (possibly with the exception  
of the security section, but you already have to write that for the  
spec in general)

- it *might* be nice for applications that want to do something  
special when coming across content that is marked as XBL. For  
example, a hypothetical browser may display XBL files in an  
interesting way or have some super cool editing mode. If we only use  
application/xml then it would have to sniff.

(Yeah, I know you think Content-Type is dead)


Received on Wednesday, 23 August 2006 12:26:30 UTC