XBL media type?


I've got a couple of minor comments on XBL 2.

The first is that it defines no media type for itself, and instead prescribes that all XML documents with a root xbl element are XBL documents.  I believe it would be better to mint an XBL specific media type and change the definition of "XBL document" to say simply that all documents served with this media type are XBL documents.  This would, for example, prevent a literal result element XSLT stylesheet for an XBL document being confused with an actual XBL document.

Related to this, section 3.4 (Aug 21 draft) prescribes that;

"If the URI contains a fragment identifier, it must point to a specific binding element within an XBL subtree in the specified document (e.g. by matching the binding element's id attribute) [...]"

I think it's important to make it clear that it's the media type of the retrieved or cached binding document that determines how the fragment id is to be interpreted.  So I'd suggest a minor edit; that we add "if the binding document is an XBL document" at the end of the example.  Plus when we define the media type, we need to say (as part of the registration template) that frag ids map to xbl:id (plus whatever else we decide about xml:id).

That's just a couple of things that popped out at me while following the recent discussions.  I've still yet to do a thorough review.


Mark Baker
Manager, Standards
Research in Motion Ltd.
(M) +1.613.301.5470

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