Re: [XBL2] <handler> attribute descriptions: attr-name and attr-change

Lachlan Hunt wrote:
>   The current text for the description of the attribute: attr-name...
> ...
> I propose this be changed to the following:
>   The attr-name attribute imposes a filter on mutation handlers. It is
>   used with attribute mutation handlers to specify [which] attribute to
>   listen for changes. (See: mutation event handler filters)

Oops, make that:

   ... which attribute to listen [to] for changes.

>   The attr-change attribute imposes a filter on mutation handlers. It
>   is used with attribute mutation handlers to specify what type of
>   change to listen for changes. (See: mutation event handler filters.)

and make that:
   ... specify what type of change to listen for.

or this:
   ... specify [the] type of change to listen for.

Lachlan Hunt

Received on Wednesday, 16 August 2006 04:01:51 UTC