Re: Decouple XBL2 From CSS

Antoine Quint wrote:
> On 3 août 2006, at 00:12, Matthew Raymond wrote:
>>    Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I was under the impression that
>> <xbl:binding xbl:element="[W3C Selector]"> could be used for binding.
> That's right. However, the selector is CSS3 Selectors only, if I  
> follow the reference in the current XBL2 draft. I think it would be  
> great if XPath selectors were also accepted for bindings, if only  
> because XPath is well understood by browsers out there today (well,  
> at least WebKit, Gecko-based browsers, Opera and Internet Explorer)  
> and is a core XML technology which XBL is poised to become too.
> Also, XPath is already a W3C recommendation.

   There was talk about this on www-style, and I believe there were
performance considerations that made XPath suboptimal in comparison to
Selectors. You might want to read through the www-style archives
regarding this.

Received on Thursday, 3 August 2006 19:29:08 UTC