Comments on EPUB 3 Structural Semantics Vocabulary 1.1

Dear colleagues,

concerning the EPUB 3 Structural Semantics Vocabulary 1.1 (, I have reviewed the text and find it needing no further comments on our part.

The only thing that really popped out at me was this passage:

“The applied semantics refine the meaning of their containing elements without changing their nature for assistive technologies, as happens when using the similar role attribute [HTML]. The attribute does not enhance the accessibility of the content, in other words, only provides hints about the purpose.”

This may be true, but there is of course nothing stopping AT from using the semantics to further accessibility of EPUB documents. This may be an issue worth clarifying, but nothing too critical in my view.

What do you think?

See you in a couple of hours!


Mag. Fredrik Fischer, CWAE

Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden und Sehschwachen Österreichs
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Received on Wednesday, 17 November 2021 14:30:04 UTC