Per this action, I was asked to kick-off a discussion related to the
proposal from the CSS WG related to showing/hiding Ruby annotation. This is
currently being tracked as a GitHub Issue
<>, to which I propose the
following response from our WG. Please note that currently the CSS WG shows
this Issue as closed (so we'd also be reopening the Issue) and I'd like to
resolve this before Wednesday's meeting if possible. TIA for your thoughts.


Hello CSS WG,

The APA WG have discussed this, and have a few comments to offer:

Toggling: While the requested feature has value, there will need to be a
simple toggling feature to 'collapse' or 'expand' the Ruby annotation
(think Details & Summary), ideally authored on the page, or provided via a
clear and easy to access toggle in the browser UI. While applying this in a
fashion similar to 'prefers-reduced-motion' and using browser-based
user-settings is useful, we anticipate a more time-sensitive context of
application by some users (i.e. the 'toggling' need).

Relationship to Personalization TF activities: Currently the
Personalization Task Force has some draft ideas around a similar use-case,
which may work either as an alternative-to, or possibly in concert with
this CSS proposal. Relevant information can be found at:

(NOTE: The Task Force welcomes the CSS WG's feedback on this, or other
aspects of our Draft Spec.)

Received on Monday, 1 March 2021 17:30:11 UTC