Scroll to Fragment

Hi everyone,

a couple of months ago, in preparationfor TPAC, we had a discussion concerning the ability to place AT's focus on a specific position on a web page. Perhaps being very late to the party here, I just read about "Scroll to Fragment", a feature (as far as I know only available in Chrome) that let's you put the user directly on a spot on a aweb page that is of your own chosing. This is the functionality that lets Google search links send you directly to the desired passage (at least sometimes) when you click on them.

Has there been any attempt to standardize this? And what are the accessibility implicatiosn here? I haven't tested it yet, just wanted to gage the general mood.




Mag. Fredrik Fischer, CWAE

Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden und Sehschwachen Österreichs
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Received on Wednesday, 1 December 2021 18:39:10 UTC