The Silver Task Force of AGWG has mathematical equations destined for
WCAG 3.0. The source is currently maintained in latex, but that will not
suffice for document publication in html.
APA's help has been requested for determining the best markup
approach--perhaps even in time for the FPWD of WCAG 3.0, and certainly
by the time that specification becomes a W3C recommendation in a couple
years. Please see Jeanne Spellman's attached request.
So, I'm adding this item as a brief agendum at the top of the APA
teleconference call for this Wednesday 26 February. I don't expect we'll
arrive at the final answer for Silver, but we should be able to better understand the
need and identify who we need to pulled into the conversation.
It's also our (APA's) opportunity to ask about the status of
enhancements to MathML, and to markup for Chemistry that got such a
great start about a year ago. I'm hoping we'll learn that work is
proceeding apace, but I'm concerned it may have stalled.
If you're able to join the APA teleconference for this issue at 12:00
(Noon) Boston Time this Wednesday 26 February, you are most welcome. I
understand this is very little advance notice. If not, the topic will be
back. Updates via email on list (in response to this email) are, of
course, also most welcome.
Thanking you in advance,
Janina Sajka
Linux Foundation Fellow
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures