Re: Agenda: APA WEEKLY Teleconference; Wednesday 15 April at 1600Z

Hello all,

You can find the minutes for today at and repeated below for convenience.

best regards,


W3C <>

  - DRAFT -

  Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference

    15 Apr 2020


    janina, Joanmarie_Diggs, MichaelC, becky, Matthew_Atkinson, irfan,
    John_Foliot, Gottfried_Zimmerman


  * Topics <#agenda>
     1. Agenda Review & Announcements <#item01>
     2. Task Force Updates <#item02>
     3. TPAC 2020 Planning Begins <#item03>
     4. W3C Web Redesign <#item04>
     5. New Charters Review
     6. new on TR <#item06>
     7. Color and Visual Contrast on our Github Dashboard <#item07>
     8. Issues Review Tracking <#item08>
     9. Actions Checkin (Specs) <#item09>
    10. Other Business <#item10>
  * Summary of Action Items <#ActionSummary>
  * Summary of Resolutions <#ResolutionSummary>


<scribe> scribe: Matthew_Atkinson

      Agenda Review & Announcements

<Joshue108> thats great Matthew

Janina: XAUR has already recieved ~30 comments

      Task Force Updates

Janina: COGA requested time with us to ask for a review of an upcoming
document (possibly the 29th)
... XAUR getting attention (as above); going successfully.

      TPAC 2020 Planning Begins

Janina: planning is being done for both the case that travel
restrictions are/are not lifted. planning onging for potential
face-to-face and virtual events.
... the usual agenda questions arise: which other groups do we want to
meet with? etc. (a survey will be conducted, as usual)

Becky: *expects to be able to attend face-to-face if permitted*

      W3C Web Redesign

Janina: Now is our opportunity to express needs and opinions on the


Michael: primary input at the current time is user stories. The URL has
a list of stakeholders and user stories in the sense of what users would
like to get out of the site.
... we need to ensure accessibility is considered in the current
stories, and add any other relevant ones.


Janina: the document from COGA mentioned above is the user stories for
... very timely for this project.

Michael: current phase is 'discovery' (preliminarily March and April,
with production to follow until June). We have little time to
contribute, important to do so as early as possible.

Janina: Is an extension possible, given we are already in April?

Michael: Unknown, but perhaps if we can propose a plan with specific
dates. Perhaps we can point people to the editor's draft of the COGA
... There may be differences in expected structure between COGA and the
redesign team. The redesign team have provided templates.
... Many different user roles are considered in the existing stories
(from Group Members and Chairs, to Web Developers with different levels
of experience, to Implementors, Sponsors and Grassroots supporters).
... The existing stories at
<> adhere to the
prescribed format.
... Some stories covering people with disabilities specifically have
been added to the Wiki. E.g. Authors/Developers with dyslexia, or low
vision, etc.

Becky: some of the user stories focused on disabilities don't provide
extensive information on what the users would expect in terms of
accessibility features.

Michael: we could ask Léonie how we can help; what sort of input would
be good from us.

Becky: *wonders how much technical accessibility input may be needed to
help the developers of the site*

Michael: <> is the
team developing the site.
... there will be private and public betas. Perhaps we should ask about
reviewing prototypes too?
... Two currently open tasks: 1. Identity survey; 2. User stories.


Michael & Janina: we need to consider use cases of internationalisation
and 'net connection speeds.

Michael: *Suggests chatting with Léonie to clarify input needed from
APA; request involvement in testing*

Janina: *agrees*

      New Charters Review

Michael: none this week

close this agendum

Michael: nothing new that's not already under our consideration.

close this agendum

      new on TR

close this agendum

close this agendum

      Color and Visual Contrast on our Github Dashboard

close this agendum

Matthew_Atkinson: there's a request for a new review of HTML.


Matthew_Atkinson: I can count up the changes between the last review and
now. There could be accessibility concerns in any of the commits.

Michael: WHATWG have provided a list of specific PRs/Issues they'd like
our feedback on. Should start with those. Then after that we could look
thorugh the commit history.

Matthew_Atkinson: *agrees*

Janina: Let's plan on talking through these after the redesign next week.
... Please look in advance if possible. Does that sound OK?

Michael: *agrees*

Matthew_Atkinson: *agrees*

      Issues Review Tracking

      Actions Checkin (Specs)

      Other Business

close this agendum

Zakin, please part

    Summary of Action Items

    Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Matthew Tylee Atkinson
Senior Accessibility Engineer
The Paciello Group
A Vispero Company
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Received on Wednesday, 15 April 2020 16:56:58 UTC