Invite to the Knowledge Domain Community Group

Dear Colleague:

You're receiving this email because you were present+ during TPAC this
past October in Lyon at a Wednesday session discussing the possibility
of developing standards and best practices for communicating content
particular to any of the many intellectual knowledge disciplines such as
mathematics, chemistry, biology, linguistics, and even music. The list
of potential knowledge disciplines is long indeed.

The TPAC session minutes are here:

In order to continue the excellent and promissing conversation begun in
Lyon, we deemed it useful to create a Community Group for continuing the
conversation begun in Lyon. If you agree with this direction, please
support this group creation, and please join if you can.

On behalf of APA and the accessibility community's strong interest in
seeing this work move forward with the broadest possible W3C
participation and direction, we cordially  invite you to join the CG

Once logged in on that page, look for "Knowledge Domain Community

Lastly, let me clarify that I am happy to continue and even help
facilitate this work. However, we in accessibility are keen that this
work needs broader leadership. So, while we have stepped up to start the
CG, an important next step from our perspective is naming a facilitator,
or perhaps some co-facilitators with wide web credibility for leading
this work forward.


Janina Sajka
APA Chair

PS: Please feel free to forward this invitation to anyone you believe
will be interested in this effort.


Janina Sajka

Linux Foundation Fellow
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

Received on Monday, 11 February 2019 20:09:10 UTC