Re: W3C Workshop on Web Games - Position Paper

Good work Matthew, really useful and rather informationally rich.

Some comments/questions below, as I review/type. You've touched on some 

Q: It would be good to know what parts of existing game/engine platform 
architecture can currently support AT? More specifically passing 
role/state/value information from the game, it's environment and actions.

Q:  Are there OS level functions that could provide a solid base for AT 
interaction with game engines and then AT?

You touch on this in the personalisation settings piece on the OS. A 
great idea. Reading the paper made me wonder to what degree games need 
to be abstracted - so the AT user interacts with a different layer of 
the game? A gaming OSM (or the AOM) or similar that uses a semantic 
landscape for the user to interact with?

I think you touched on that in the 'General Adaptations' section - 
that's a really interesting discussion point IMO.

I really like the concrete beginnings section - as CVAA and good UI a11y 
should be the minimum for sure.

Great to hear you worked on Audio Quake - I'm a lapsed Quake player 
myself :-)

Good to see the Active Game Accessibility (AGA) work referenced.

This is a really good position paper, and a place to kick off 
interesting discussion. I do think it covers too much in some ways, as a 
more narrow scope - such as gaming requirements for cohort x, may make 
the issues easier to parse for those not in the know, but don't take 
that as a negative. There is only so much can be done in a position 
paper and this certainly flies the flag successfully.



On 24/04/2019 10:36, Matthew Tylee Atkinson wrote:
> Hello all,
> The W3C is running a workshop on web games [0] and one key focus of the discussions will be accessibility. I’ve drafted a position paper, based on research in this area, which is available for APA review on the Wiki [1].
> Please let us know if you have any feedback or questions about this. The submissions are due by the 10th of May.
> best regards,
> Matthew
> [0]
> [1]

Emerging Web Technology Specialist/A11y (WAI/W3C)

Received on Friday, 26 April 2019 11:48:52 UTC