Greetings All,
After Janina's email today calling for participation in the Pronunciation
Task Force, I shared that information internally at Deque, and one of my
colleagues - Paul Grenier (cc'd here) - stepped forward and expressed
Michael, I will presume that like all current TF's, adding Paul to this new
TF remains a manual process (??) - if that is the case please add both Paul
and myself to this new TF. (My participation will be secondary to Paul's,
but I wish to monitor activity in this TF).
In chatting with Paul, he already has/had an interest in this topic, and as
an engineer at Deque, he is anxious to get more involved in this activity.
I will leave it to Paul to expand upon his past background and locus of
interest, but I am excited to include another Deque colleague into the W3C
Dear AC Rep, Chair, Team Contact, and Participant,
On December 6, 2018, 17:03 UTC, Paul Grenier became a participant in the
Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group. This person was nominated
by John Foliot.
*John Foliot* | Principal Accessibility Strategist | W3C AC Representative
Deque Systems - Accessibility for Good