Updates to technology checklist

In January I asked for APA review 
<https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-apa/2017Jan/0006.html> of a 
draft Web Technology Accessibility Guidelines checklist, and in February 
we sent it out for wide review 
We haven't received many comments, and most of the comments related to 
the larger draft of Web Technology Accessibility Guidelines which wasn't 
formally under review, but I've been continuing to work on it to get it 
ready for delivery to the Advisory Committee later this month. It's been 
renamed to Framework for Accessibility in the Specification of 
Technologies (FAST) and moved to:


It should still be considered a draft but is one we expect to expose 
more widely soon. Last chance for comments. Note complex comments may 
need to be addressed in future versions after this version is sent to 
the Advisory Committee.


Received on Tuesday, 11 April 2017 14:03:59 UTC