Re: Call for Adoption: Private State Tokens/Private Tokens Work Stream

I support our CG adopting a work stream for private tokens work.

I also would be fine to adopt this draft as part of that work. It sounds 
like there are changes to the draft that are planned or would generally 
receive consensus to better harmonize with the IETF privacypass work and 
that seems like an important step, and I'm happy for the CG to be 
involved in doing that or in adopting the draft once that's complete. I 
don't know exactly what the bar is or should be for adopting a Community 
Group work item; my thinking was that it was lower than standardization. 
I've looked at the proposal briefly and it doesn't seem like a finalized 
design and so I don't know all the implications of the design or its 
likely breadth of adoption.

I also would be fine with our focusing more of work stream time on 
requirements, use case and applications of private tokens. In either 
case, it seems like useful input to any authors working on Private State 
Tokens and in setting us up for a Working Group (or scoping a 
deliverable for some existing Working Group) on whatever design is 
likely to be implemented and need standardization.


On 11/22/22 12:08 PM, Sofía Celi wrote:
> Hi all,
> The chairs are starting an adoption process for the Private State 
> Tokens proposal:
> Given the need for other types of privacy-preserving tokens for the 
> various capabilities being discussed in the CG, the authors are asking 
> to adopt this item as part of a more generic Private Tokens work 
> stream, discussing and developing documents for various types of 
> privacy-preserving tokens (based on privacypass and similar 
> technology) that are useful in the anti-fraud space.
> Please respond with any further feedback or support for the document 
> and work stream in the next two weeks (try to get your feedback in by 
> December 7th in time for the next CG meeting), and the chairs will 
> determine whether there is sufficient support for the document to 
> adopt it as an official CG work stream.
> Thank you,

Received on Thursday, 8 December 2022 01:21:10 UTC