Re: Annotations menus and help

On Thu, 19 Aug 2004, Eric Prud'hommeaux wrote:

>> >

I tried installing this on my machine out of the box (It's a Mac OS X 10.3.5
with Xcode - development tools like compilers). It asked if I wanted to
configure stuff and I said no, and all seemed to go fine until it wanted to
find my apache config....

charles> make install
[blah blah blah testing stuff, all looks good, ...]
make: Circular W3C-Annotations-Kit-1.tar.gz <- Annotations dependency
tar xzf W3C-Annotations-Kit-1.tar.gz
(cd W3C-Annotations-Kit-1 && \
 perl Makefile.PL PREFIX= && \
 make && \
 make test && \
 make install)
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
where is apache's httpd.conf (or apache2.con) directory? ("quit!" to quit!) [/etc/apache/httpd.conf] /private/etc/httpd/httpd.conf
do you want to try to guess what type of Berkely DBM file mod_auth_dbm is using? [y]

... Sure. I typed y

where is apache's httpd.conf (or apache2.con) directory? ("quit!" to quit!) [/etc/apache/httpd.conf] /private/etc/httpd/httpd.conf
no AuthDBMUserFile directives found, add one and try again? (type 'y' after
  adding one and trying it or 'n' to give up) [y]


where is apache's httpd.conf (or apache2.con) directory? ("quit!" to quit!) [/etc/apache/httpd.conf] /private/etc/httpd/httpd.conf
no AuthDBMUserFile directives found, add one and try again?
   (type 'y' after adding one and trying it or 'n' to give up) [y]
where is apache's httpd.conf (or apache2.con) directory? ("quit!" to quit!) [/etc/apache/httpd.conf]

OK, time to give up...

where is apache's httpd.conf (or apache2.con) directory? ("quit!" to quit!)
[/etc/apache/httpd.conf] quit!
no AuthDBMUserFile directives found, add one and try again?
(type 'y' after adding one and trying it or 'n' to give up) [y]

and round and round I go (the variation is that if I say I no it tries for a
plain flat text file. But it doesn't seem to do anything or get me out of the

any clues?


Received on Monday, 13 September 2004 12:21:26 UTC