RE: saving tested annotations? (model testing)

Sounds about right to me.
-Tim Cole
From: Shane McCarron [] 
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 9:26 AM
To: Cole, Timothy W <>
Cc: W3C Public Annotation List <>
Subject: Re: saving tested annotations? (model testing)
You are correct - there is no way to record metadata like that in WPT as it stands.  What I would suggest is that the implementor submit XXNN-inputN.json or something as part of the PR to demonstrate what input was tested.  These could even be in a folder with an input file per test case (this would lead to automation in the future).  In that case something like:
Optional, of course.  But if the vendor likes, that would be most helpful.  
On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 8:25 AM, Cole, Timothy W < <> > wrote:
As best I can tell, the json-ld submitted through our test suite does not record anywhere the json-ld that is tested. Is this correct? 
(We do now have a place to record a mapping between codes and clients <> )
If so, would it be worth providing a means by which implementers can submit the json-ld tested alongside the test results resports they submit?  This would be useful if bugs are discovered in our test schemas (likely). Tests could then be rerun.
Tim Cole

Shane McCarron
Projects Manager, Spec-Ops

Received on Thursday, 8 September 2016 16:04:21 UTC