Re: [web-annotation] The textDirection and processingLanguage properties are not needed

@iherman I don't understand what you mean by "#1 referring to future 
versions of the spec". The problem is in *this* version of the spec, 
and thus the note makes sense inline to refer to this version.

Re: would be possible only with the Director's approval.
My understanding is that per new W3C process (2014?) a group may 
iterate and produce a new CR without having to go back to the 
Director, that is, what used to require bouncing between LCWD and CR, 
now is just a matter of iterating in CR.

Regardless, worse than "extra time required" or "possible only with 
the Director's approval", if there are features in a spec which are 
known to either not have test cases, or not have test cases that test 
the functionality for which the features were added (in this case, the
 i18n requirements), or not have implementations that pass those test 
cases in a way that demonstrates interoperable user functionality from
 the i18n requirements, then those features MUST NOT advance to PR, 
whether or not explicitly noted in CR exit requirements. My suggestion
 above was more to be explicit about it in the spec rather than having
 it be implied.

If untested or unimplemented or uninteroperable features (these 
properties) were explicitly at-risk, the group may drop them to help 
transition to PR. Otherwise untested/unimplemented/uninteroperable 
features (especially a novel approach as documented) must block a CR 
from transitioning to PR.

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Received on Sunday, 7 August 2016 01:36:46 UTC