TPAC Double-Booking

Hi, Web Annotation WG–

I have a situation with TPAC [1].

Currently, I am trippple-booked on Monday and Tuesday.

I have 3 f2f meetings I need to attend as staff contact or helper:
* Audio WG
* Web Annotation WG
* Web Payments WG

I was scheduled to meet with the SVG WG on Thursday–Friday, but the SVG 
WG just cancelled, opening that slot up.

I'd like to move at least one of my WG f2fs to that slot.

I first asked the Audio WG if they'd be willing to move to 
Thursday–Friday, but one of the main contributors had a conflict with 
those days, so they were unable to move.

So, I wondered if we could move the Web Annotation WG to Thursday–Friday.

However, I note that moving would create a conflict for Ivan Herman, who 
is scheduled to meet with the Digital Publishing Interest Group on 
Thursday–Friday. I don't think that meeting could move, because that 
would put it in conflict with the CSS WG, which has some overlap with 
Digital Publishing.

Ivan, how much of a conflict would this be for you (e.g. could you split 
your time)? Is it possible for the Digital Publishing IG to move?

Does anyone on the working group, in addition to Ivan, have a conflict 
in meeting on Thursday–Friday?

Also, how many of you plan to attend TPAC?



Received on Wednesday, 24 June 2015 16:30:58 UTC