RE: [model] Why Motivations cannot be on Bodies

From: Doug Schepers []
> In particular, I have difficulty justifying the assertion that the bodies are by
> necessity global resources, not local to the annotation.
> Outside the context of the annotation, you lose all other context, including
> the target and the provenance. So, how is a global body without context a
> useful statement? 

A body is not a statement, it's a resource.  Looking at the current list of motivations, consider "oa:classifying". 

"The motivation that represents the assignment of a classification type, typically from a controlled vocabulary, to the Target resource(s). For example to classify an Image resource as a Portrait."

Here the Target may be a Portrait . The Body, the term "portrait"  is a controlled term  (a resource).   It is quite plausible that that resource, the vocabulary term  portrait, could be used as the body in a different annotation with a different motivation.  For example, the target may be an article about someone, and the article is lacking a portrait. You might suggest that a portrait be added, via an annotation, with motivation xz:suggestAdding.


Received on Thursday, 18 June 2015 21:18:28 UTC