[model] Modeling a Tweet: Tags

Hi, folks–

We've talked before about how different kinds of popular social media, 
like Twitter tweets or Facebook posts, could be modeled as annotations.

Tim Cole put together a diagram of this [1], and I made a slide inspired 
by Tim's diagram [2] (use the down arrow to step through the slide).

But all the recent talk of multiple bodies and motivations made me 
realize that there may be something hard to represent in the data model: 
inline hashtags in a tweet.

As an example, here's the text from a tweet by Rob Sanderson, from 7 
June [3], which contains two inline hashtags:
"Been a while. Indexing my phd thesis transcription as #openannotations 
towards #iiif search demo implementation"

Inline hashtags are pretty common, and they blend tags and comment into 
a single common body. You can't remove the tags from the comment body, 
because they're part of the sentence structure; you can't only represent 
the tags as part of the comment body, because they have special status 
as search terms [4].

How can we model this?

The best I could come up with is to duplicate the hashtags in both the 
comment body and in their own bodies. Here's some example JSON-LD 
(please excuse the imprecise/incorrect inclusion of motivation on each 
body, it's just illustrative.):

   "@id": "https://twitter.com/azaroth42/status/607727122975739905",
   "@type": "oa:Annotation",
   "annotatedBy": "https://twitter.com/azaroth42/",
   "annotatedAt": "2015-06-07T12:00:00Z",
   "serializedAt": "2013-02-04T17:53:00Z-8",
   "body": [
       "@id": "http://example.org/body1"
       "motivation": "oa:commenting",
       "value" : "Been a while. Indexing my phd thesis transcription as 
#openannotations towards #iiif search demo implementation",
       "@id": "http://example.org/body2"
       "motivation": "oa:tagging",
       "value" : "openannotations",
       "@id": "http://example.org/body3"
       "motivation": "oa:tagging",
       "value" : "iiif",

Another solution might be to allow nested bodies, but that seems like it 
could get complicated.


[3] https://twitter.com/azaroth42/status/607727122975739905
[4] https://twitter.com/hashtag/iiif


Received on Thursday, 18 June 2015 07:25:38 UTC