Discovery Use Cases

These are not dissimilar to the first section of use cases Rob sent earlier:

I'm not sure there's clear distinctions or additions to his list, but I
tried to work out from them (and back toward what had been in my head)
toward something minimal, focused, and not prescriptive. You can be the
judge if I succeeded. ;)

As a resource publisher, I want...
 - to share with the resource all known annotations
   - about the primary resource
   - about embedded resources
   - about the specific intersection of the primary and embedded resources
 - to share annotations as part of the primary resource (encoded or
so that
 - recipients of the primary resource
   - can discover annotations related to the primary resource and it's parts
   - can display those annotations

As a user agent developer, I want...
 - to load annotations
   - related to the primary resource
   - related to the embedded resources
   - embedded within the primary resource
so that
 - annotations related to the primary or embedded resources
   - can be displayed to the user in the context of the composite primary

Also, let me know if you like the's almost valid YAML...and
could be with a little help. ;)

Developer Advocate

Received on Wednesday, 22 July 2015 14:52:57 UTC