Re: [web-annotation] Yet Another JSON-LD the protocol spec to use?

> Do not understand this last point. If the returned JSON payload does
 not include `@context`, it is easier on pure JSON based 
implementations, while JSON-LD implementations go on unchanged because
 they get the `@context` through the header. I do not think it is the 

It involves more work on the server side to add the header, more work 
on the JSON-LD client side to retrieve the header, and doesn't save 
any work on the JSON client side, as it must just ignore the context 
key that it doesn't understand anyway.  No one is going to write code 
looking for structure that they then can't process.  There's no 
savings in transferred bytes, as the context is there in the HTTP 
headers, just much less accessible to systems that do want it.

The header option is designed to allow previous non-json-ld systems to
 assert their context without changing existing representations.

GitHub Notif of comment by azaroth42

Received on Monday, 13 July 2015 17:08:09 UTC