Re: [web-annotation] Yet Another JSON-LD the protocol spec to use?

>ideally, we should have defined everything in terms of pure JSON, so 
that people only dealing with JSON could read the spec and never even 
read about the RDF view. and then a separate spec could tell those 
interested in an RDF view of everything how to do this robustly on top
 of the JSON.

This would argue in favor of splitting Model and Serialization into 
two separate documents.  Serialization could then focus exclusively on
 the JSON format, with reference to the model.

However it does not affect protocol, as we inherit the MUST from LDP 
of support for the turtle syntax, and thus RDF.

>the extra load on Annotation Servers is minimal, but purely JSON 
clients would not have to actively disregard the @context property 
from the returned data

I don't follow the logic here.  By adding a real implementation 
requirement to the server, we prevent the client from having to ignore
 something that it's clearly going to ignore anyway, and indeed 
required to ignore by the relevant specifications? :-1:

GitHub Notif of comment by azaroth42

Received on Friday, 10 July 2015 21:32:28 UTC