In preparation to the F2F: Data Model status

Dear all,
in the process of defining the first draft of the model, the plan emerged
in the last call is to (i) start from the Community draft (, (ii) get rid of the SPARQL
queries and (iii) replace the turtle with JSON-LD.

Also, after the email discussions, the current orientation is to

1) replace the Choice/Composite/List constructs with one simple list-based
construct as follows:
  "@type": "oa:List",
  "members": ["eg:target1", "eg:target2", "eg:target3"]

Choice as list of descending priority

 "@type" : "oa:Choice",
 "members": ["eg:option1", "eg:option2", "eg:option3"]

2) Replace ContentAsText with something like:
  "@type": "oa:Content",
  "value": "I love this book!",
  "format": "text/plain",
  "language": "en"

* rdf:value -- for recording the content (required)
* dc:format -- for the media type of the content (optional)
* dc:language -- for the language of the content (optional)

Content encoded using UTF-8.

See you tomorrow for further discussions,

Received on Monday, 27 October 2014 12:40:15 UTC