Re: [agenda] Web Annotation WG TPAC F2F Agenda (2014-10-28)

On 10/24/14 5:16 PM, Arthur Barstow wrote:
> On 10/24/14 1:26 PM, Frederick Hirsch wrote:
>> (2) Monday 16:00 - 17:00 Joint meeting with WebApps WG to discuss 
>> Robust Anchoring (to be held at WebApps meeting)
> Hi Frederick, All,
> WebApps still has this joint meeting listed as "Tentative" so I'll 
> remove that designation and consider it confirmed. However, please 
> note we have it scheduled from 16:00 - 16:30 [1].
> I think a safe assumption on behalf of most of WebApps' participants 
> is that they know little to nothing about this topic. As such, I 
> presume someone from the Web Annotations group will lead the session 
> (f.ex. provide an overview, use cases, prior art, etc.). Given this, 
> I'd like to know your group's thoughts on the duration of the session 
> i.e. 30 mins vs. 60 mins.
> Looking forward to meeting you all!
> -Thanks, AB


Received on Friday, 24 October 2014 21:17:27 UTC