AI cloning NO FAKE Act

 A New Kind of AI Copy Can Fully Replicate Famous People. The Law Is

It is not just famous people that are replicated. Any unique individual who
has something original about themselves, are copied. In some cases, the
original is obliterated (hidden, destroyed, shoeved under the carpet) so
that the copycat can claim ownership to the trait

 I have noticed, over the years, that most of the original things I did or
said were serialized and imitated and sometimes attributed to others
-until I realised there was a system behind it.  They are the people behind
hollywood, they control the media and as such, they control the narrative

Pick up the best features in people, what makes them unique, original,
attractive and drop the less agreeable features - what makes them equally
uniquely obnoxious  to create cloned personality traits that can be worn by
individuals or synthetic characters who better fit a narrative, ie, who
play the part that society wants to play.

I was shocked when I realised there are socio technical systems in place
designed to support  personality cloning

Now these systems are being exposed and better understood,

Sigh, sob and discuss?


Received on Tuesday, 2 January 2024 05:37:29 UTC