Re: what AI tool can we use to generate the AI KR CG vocabulary

@chris  thanks for the offer- yes i expect some manual input to complete
the process but maybe with some training..
could become fully automated. let me know how to proceed any too to support
the effort is welcome

@Peter Rivett <>

It's not clear to me in all this what format(s) existing
> glossaries/vocabularies in step 3 (do we have a list?)
<Milton pointed to two (ISO and another) in a related email, but we could
identify more  I entered the link the in wiki page

re expected to be in, and what the required generated output format should
> be.
a nice plain language to start with, with any encoding of choice,  could be
any ML

> And, for step 4, what degree of difference should lead to a new vocabulary
> entry.
as defined by the user - that is: are you satisfied that the current AI
standards so far (as pointed by Milton and possibly to be expand) represent
the AI KR domain correctly? I am not- current AI standard vocabularies do
not represent the AI KR domain adequately
There may be KR terms  already in existing AI standards that need to be
disambiguated/defined further
that is where we can make an additional contribution
 1st.contribution is to identify the terms that are overlooked in existing
AI standards 2nd.nd contribution to provide alternative KR definitions  if
we are not satisfied with the existing ones

> And how the new entry should reference the existing one (e.g. as some sort
> of "similar" or specialized term).
good question- I think It could simply list the existing term as defined in
existing standards as an attribute
(previous definitions?)  In fact, I may add another field to the entry form
'overlapping domain' as some AI KR terms could be defined elsewhere * in
medicine vs law for example

> And, in the resultant ecosystem, how the whole family of vocabularies
> should be represented; both the existing ones that can be reused and the
> new differentiated terms.
Uhm, that is a very big question- ecosystems tend to sort themselves out,
so as long as they are published on the internet, but suggestions welcome

> It would also seem desirable to be able to indicate the specific terms in
> the existing vocabularies that have been deemed reusable.
think about a way of doing that and share it here, perhaps

> To answer my own question somewhat, there is the OMG Multiple Vocabulary
> Facility that provides for different
> vocabularies (terms and definitions related to Communities and with mutual
> import relationships) with the terms mapped to their meaning as a
> concept.
THANKS that s great, can you add to the wiki? i can do it if I remember it

> However a lot depends on how we expect the set of vocabularies to be used
> and by whom (type/role of person or machine)?
for now, I feel that I would be satisfied if we could, after about six
years of looking into AI KR
can point out with some efficiency and precision the concepts/terms not yet
covered in AI standards
Nice to be able to put our finger into some open wound with clarity and
i guess the end result would be used by both humans and machines in
whatever way other resources are used, in the same way that we find use any
I am itching to identify some terms and concepts and invite everyone to do
the same

Ponder one or two terms close to your heart and mind
I am starting with:
misrepresentation (justification is:fake AI)
malicious confounding (justification is:deliberate use of misrepresentation
to mislead)

> Pete
> Pete Rivett (
> Federated Knowledge, LLC (LEI 98450013F6D4AFE18E67)
> tel: +1-701-566-9534
> Schedule a meeting at
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Chris Harding <>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 3, 2024 9:37 AM
> *To:* <>
> *Cc:* W3C AIKR CG <>
> *Subject:* Re: what AI tool can we use to generate the AI KR CG vocabulary
> Hi Paola
> I am working on a commercial tool in this area. I can do 1 and 2: they
> are no problem with modern NLP technology but, as with anything produced
> by AI, need final human review. 3, 4 and 5 should be fairly
> straightforward also, but would need some work on the mechanism for
> importing existing glossaries/vocabularies.
> On 03/12/2024 03:05, Paola Di Maio wrote:
> > Knowledgeable CG members
> >
> > Since the future is here, suggestions as to how to generate
> > a vocabulary, would be great (preferably open, free, online tool or
> > python script?)
> > Process
> > source of K (upload or point to source doc)
> > 2. extract key terms and definitions
> > 3. compare key terms with existing glossaries/vocabularies already
> > published (input URLs)
> > 4. if not included in existing resources in 3 OR
> >          if definition is different from the same term in existing
> > resource in 3
> > THEN
> > 5. include term in a list (to be discussed, evaluated, refined)
> >
> > I definitely buy drinks is someone can do
> --
> Regards,
> Chris
> ++++
> Chris Harding
> Chief Executive, Lacibus Ltd

Received on Tuesday, 3 December 2024 21:42:14 UTC