- From: carl mattocks <carlmattocks@gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2023 11:46:50 -0400
- To: Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org>
- Cc: W3C AIKR CG <public-aikr@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAHtonuk4xtUxwo=_-gTra6NpBiJi9xjo2rH31xEixpM1A+MbKQ@mail.gmail.com>
Dave Thanks for sharing the perspective where knowledge engineering becomes a collaborative effort between humans and machines and the lecture. I have no critique for all that you reference. Indeed, as an unpacking task, I propose that this group is well positioned to address some of the Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt (FUD) concerns promoted by the Zero-Trust-in-AI / Don Quixote pundits. Specifically, I do consider it best, that the total effort required for Knowledge Representation (KR) utilization should be explained when seeking stakeholder agreement long-term AI strategy; and that this community expands on the StratML-centric and ML oriented reasoning document we produced during 2020 e.g. add PKN reasoning. cheers Carl Mattocks It was a pleasure to clarify On Sun, Oct 15, 2023 at 11:14 AM Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org> wrote: > Hi Carl, > > A slightly different perspective is where knowledge engineering becomes a > collaborative effort between humans and machines. The human partner is > concerned with use cases, curation and scalability. The machine partner > deals with the knowledge representation, versioning and ensuring that > rulesets are updated to match changes to the ontologies, as a basis for > satisfying inevitable demands for ongoing support for both new and old > applications. > > This changes the focus to the representations used for the human-machine > collaboration, freeing the internal machine representation of knowledge to > better suit advances in AI. LLMs have demonstrated that self-guided > machine learning is orders of magnitude better than hand crafting > knowledge. This is only just the beginning and we can look forward to major > improvements in neural network architectures and training techniques. You > can get a feeling for what I am talking about in my recent invited lecture > for the University of Bath’s AI Group, see: > > https://www.w3.org/2023/10/10-Raggett-AI.pdf > > Collaborative knowledge engineering will be very permissive in respect to > representations, e.g. natural language, mathematical expressions, diagrams, > pictures, tables, spreadsheets, databases and so forth. AI systems will > understand these in a very similar way to how we do. This suggests that > the premise that "Knowledge Representation (KR) must be the core of future > AI systems” is flawed and needs unpacking. What kinds of AI systems are we > talking about? How would this be effected by the emergence of AGI? > > Best regards, > Dave > > On 15 Oct 2023, at 15:22, carl mattocks <carlmattocks@gmail.com> wrote: > > > Given that there more types of AIKR I believe our members could help > people identify the differences and provide some simple rules on usage > e.g. Reasoning supported > > As an explainer this article is focused on " why Knowledge Representation > (KR) must be the core of any cost-effective long-term AI strategy " and > suggests that they need to be "models advise us on what actions to take" > https://dmccreary.medium.com/the-jellyfish-and-the-flatworm-bdad78e6f68b > > Given this group has already created a document focused on key elements > of AI Strategy .. I would be happy to schedule a series of meeting to > expand it towards " > identify the Knowledge Representation differences and provide some simple > rules on usage > enjoy > > Carl Mattocks > > It was a pleasure to clarify > > >> > Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org> > > > >
Received on Monday, 16 October 2023 15:47:34 UTC